estate planning lawyer

Estate administration or estate planning, is a portion of family law that also requires experience and knowledge of local and state laws in order to protect the interest of your family. You can begin with drawing up a will, however, that is only the beginning of making sure everything provided in the will is handled properly.

Whether there is a will or a loved one passes on without one, you will need a knowledgeable family attorney to help make sure your estate’s assets are appropriately accounted for, divided, and maintained.

Call us at (818)222-4900 for help with your estate planning matters!

Services We Provide

Fuire Family Law in Calabasas, CA can help administer your estate in the following ways:

• Submission of the Will to Probate—This step is necessary to prove that the will is valid and unaltered in anyway. I will help walk you through the process, making it as painless as possible.

• Trust Accounts Administration—Distributing assets and funds for an estate is another important part of the estate administration process. I make sure funds are properly distributed and help protect the interests of the estate against fraud. I account for how much, how often, and where the funds are distributed. More than a fill-in-the-blank solution, I help guide you through the process of administering trust funds to family members or other parties named in the will.

• Claims Against the Estate— It is not uncommon for parties to disagree with provisions made in the will. While it is not an ideal situation, it may be necessary to actually bring a claim against the decedent’s estate, or in fact, defend a claim brought against it. In either case, I have got you covered.

Do not leave the future of your estate to chance; get protection with proper estate administration. Contact us today to ensure your assets are secure!